I think all of my hard work in the yard is paying off finally. I went outside today to take a bunch of pictures of the things flowering, and there’s a lot more color than I thought I had. I was especially excited that there was a flower on the $1.00 lilly that I bought last week. Too bad for them, yay for me!

It also looks like we’re going to get some use out of the raised beds that Ben made me for my birthday this year. The cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, and peppers that I started all look really good. Just in the last week too, my herbs have started to look a lot healthier. We’ll have a produce section in no time at all. The sunflowers are also growing like crazy. That bed looks like a party.

I uploaded a bunch more new pictures of our flowers and yard at Avenue B. They’re fun to look at.
Oh yeah, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2:30-4:00pm, think of me and send me good vibes. I have a big interview with the State of Michigan. I’m super nervous, so I’m going to need all the good thoughts I can get!