I’m getting ready to go back to work again in a few weeks, and after spending a couple hours the other day going through all the projects that I had planned to finish this summer (haha) something in my brain kicked into gear and told me to get sewing.

I started cutting triangles for this project back at the beginning of my time off. Whenever I had fabric out for something else that I was working on, I’d just hack off a triangle and stash it in my pile. It had been sitting on my desk with all of the other things I was working on for the show, and at that point was itching to start something with it. I held off, and then forgot about it for a few weeks.
As with all projects that I seem to start though, I’ve got dilemmas. I do love how it looks so far, but I’m just not sure that I’m up to par with the sewing skill to pull this one off. I’m going to have to be so precise with piecing, and I’ve already noticed that it’s nearly impossible for me to make the edges line up completely. Where I could normally fudge it with squares, the edges of the triangles won’t be perfect points if I don’t line up my seams absolutely perfectly. Does that make sense?

I nearly threw in the towel after the first row. I seam ripped several pieces (several of those pieces were ripped more than once) and it still just didn’t line up like I wanted them to. My argument to myself to keep going is that I LOVE the colors. And if I can squeak this out, I think it will look amazing. I’m just not so sure it’s going to look amazing in the end. We’ll see.