No, I’m not ignoring the world of blogs, I’m actually working on projects! We’ve just about finished the room renovation–I’ve got curtains to make and Ben is finishing some trim up. It’s so nice to have a sewing room that I actually enjoy being in from time to time.
See? It’s pretty nice now, compared to earlier!

And yes, I do collect and have a slight obsession with yellow rubber ducks. That’s a small number of ducks on display compared to what my college apartment looked like.
And more good project news! I’ve finished piecing together Granny’s Quilt, and I’ve started quilting it. It’s very approprate, since a lot of the prints are the 1930’s repoduction fabric (I love that stuff). I even used one of the repo prints for the back fabric. It took me a while to figure out how I would quilt the bad boy, but I think I’ve come up with an interesting, and not too over the top way to do it. Now if I can just finish it up by the time Christmas rolls around.

The number of projects for Christmas is growing, but I’m not allowed to share them all here. I know who reads this blog! You people don’t fool me!
Dang, that’s nice. I really like your color choices and your rubber duckies are cool too. 🙂 I don’t have a quilt blog but our home improvement url is
Everything looks great.
I checked out Becka’s projects blog and she has some awesome stuff, I saw that you referred to her turtle bag, and I have a turtle problem *grin*. I couldn’t find the bag but I did find that AWESOME pattern that looks like a mariners compass type pattern. Way cool. I have to find out where she found it!
She’s got awsome stuff doesn’t she? I have to add her link right now while I’m thinking about it.