I really, really wanted to get my latest quilt project pieced by now. I had been moving along on it really well, when we had to start a new project. The difference? This one’s house related.
To describe the condition of my house, one must think back to the days when pressed wood panneling looked nice in homes. Oh wait, that was never. This winter we pulled down the gray panneling in our office (what an awful job, since it was glued to the walls and pulled the drywall down with it) and now we’re doing our guestroom/sewing room. Lucky for us, the panneling wasn’t glued on in this room, but we still have to patch plaster all the holes in the walls and ceiling from nails and screws, before we’re able to paint and move back in. It also means that the only other woody room in my house is the kitchen. Oh, how I long for the day that we’re able to afford new cabinets that aren’t panneled.
Here’s a recent scene from the work in my soon to be nice looking sewing room:

But on the other hand, I still have more done with this quilt than I had planned to by this time. The first four rows have been pieced together completely, and it has only taken me about an hour to sew each row on. I’m hoping the room will be finished in a few more days, so I’ll be able to work on this again for more than five minutes at a time. I’d really like to have this finished by Christmas though, since I’d like to give it to Granny for a Christmas/January birthday gift for her. I never seem to be able to hit my deadlines lately though. I need to get better at it by the time my next wedding quilt is due next year.
I really had hoped to have this done by now:

I’m still waiting for my quilt rack. I’ll be sure to post a picture of it when it gets here.
wow! awesome! I don’t recognize that pattern, what is it called.
I found the patern in the April 2004 issue of the Quilters Newsletter Magazine, and they say it’s from the traditional Rose Dream block. The pattern that I’m using is titled “Celebration” in the magazine though. So I’m not sure what the pattern’s true name is. It’s great though. Once I finish it I’ll take a picture of it from above. It looks like it’s both a circular pattern, and a very straight and boxy pattern at the same time. It’s a very cool look.
Your quilt is really beautiful! I’m just starting on a baby quilt for my friend’s shower. Hopefully I’ll get it done before the baby comes…I still have a little while yet.