I hate being stressed out over a hobby. I don’t even think it’s that I’m so worked up over my quilting, it’s that stupid quilt rack that I ordered from Crate & Barrel several weeks ago. Turns out that I have to be home for a four hour block for them to drop it off. Since I don’t get home until 4pm, there’s no way that’s possible. I’ve yelled at the shipping company, and Crate & Barrel, and they sugessted that I pay for after hours shipping, or drive the hour and a half drive to Grand Rapids to pick it up at the shipping hub. Which to that I say absolutly not! So hopefully I’ll be able to have them drop it off at my parents house, which is still in my mind, wrong, since I paid to have it delivered to my house. So just a word to anyone out there that’s considereding having Crate & Barrel furniture shipped to their house–they’re not nice to deal with, and I personally won’t deal with them again.
Now on to my quilting dillema. I’ve started the quilting on Granny’s Quilt, and although I like it so far, I don’t know how to complete it. Each block has two sqaures on opposite points, where I’ve quilted a square with an “X” through. On its opposite corners, the four points of each quilt square meet together. It looks a little bland to me there, and I’m not quite sure how to quilt it. I thought about outlining a simple circle, but I’m not sure if that will look right. Either way, here’s a picture of the quiltwork so far. If anyone has any ideas for ways to quilt the blank spaces (Look to the previous post if you need a reminder of what the front looks like) please leave me some comments. I’m taking any and all ideas–even silly ones. Those sometimes turn out to work really well.

*note: I’m sorry if my description made no sense. Hopefully the picture is self explanitory.
**note2: It is a lot larger of a blank space than it looks like in this picture. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
Wow, I’m so impressed. I’m a hand quilter too, but mostly self taught as it seems quite passe these days. It’s a rare member or our Local quilt guild that doesn’t machine quilt, and in the smaller groups I’m involved I can count the hand quilters on …well one hand. This design is cool. I mostly get ideas from old books I find at garage sales. Very nice. And yes becka is cool I think I’m going to tweak that turtle design so that it is more of a mariners compass…I like.
wow. i didn’t even realize that you guys were talking about my stuff! i hadn’t read the comments in a while, though i have been reading entries 🙂 the messenger bag is from a vogue pattern….7328. it doesn’t look like much on the front of the pattern envelope, but it is a great pattern. thanks for all of your great comments about the turtle bag. my mom really loves it.
quilting ideas.. maybe use the same “square-with-an-x” that you did for the corners but make it a little bigger and rotate 90 degrees…so you’d have a diamond shape… or maybe a “flower” of 4 of the same lemon shapes you’ve used. i don’t really have a feel for quilting patterns, but those are a couple of things that occured to me.
I’ve been thinking about this square, and you could just go with and easy ol’ heart pattern, its for your grandma isn’t it? You don’t need a pattern that is continuous, so that might work. Lot of times I use hearts to fill in space because it is a quick quilt. Just a thought.
uh sorry about that, I got kicked off by your alert and told to repost again later. I guess it reposted for me….several times.*blush*
No problem! I just deleted the extras. 🙂