I’ve been really into bags and purses lately, and it’s been taking up a lot of the time when it’s been too warm to quilt. I’ve wanted to try felting for quite awhile now, and a couple of weeks ago I finally picked up some wool yarn. In typical Sarah style, I started knitting (without any clue) until I thought I had a decent bag. Turns out on this one, I did pretty well:

Felted Purse

I’ve been excited to have several compliments on it at work. (Does that mean it’s not a piece of crap?) I’m pleased with it at least.
Also this week my friend Kate sent me this awsome bag:
Cirrus Bag

To explain: we call each other Cirrus and Nimbus because we’re like that. No one else gets it, but I think the bag is so cool! She ordered it from a company called Neighborhoodies that sells custom made bags, shirts, sweatshirts and other fun things. I think it’s an awsome idea.
Off to quilt before bedtime tonight.

I have to show off the goodies I got today in the mail! Brit (from Running Stitch) sent me this package today:

Trade Goodies!

For our book trade, Brit sent one of the Elm Creek Quilts books, The Quilter’s Legacy. I’ve not read any of them yet, but I’m very excited to check it out! Also in my package: a yummy candle, a very yummy loaf of zuchini bread (which I’m currently mowing down on) wrapped in a fabric tape measure! I’m going to have to work out these trades more often! Thanks Brit! 🙂
I (like many things around here lately) took a little break from working on quilting the wedding quilt the past few weeks. I was starting to feel burned out on it so I decided to give it a rest. Then, this week when I started to feel motivated to start it again, it got hot and muggy and not great for working on. Luckly, I live in Michigan, and the weather never stays the same for longer than a few days. I have big plans for big work while it’s cooler.
I really should plan my quilting better–only piece tops in the spring and summer, when you don’t have to hold a giant piece of cotton on your lap, and quilt in the fall and winter, when it’s nice to have a giant piece of cotton draped over you!
In the meantime, I’ve been working on a piecing project:
Bow-Tie Quilt

The pattern is technically called the “mini” bow-tie quilt, and it really is pretty tiny to piece. Each one of the blocks (with 4 bow ties in it) is about 5 inches square. I like piecing small projects and I figure, even if this project takes me years to do, it’s still one of those quilts that you can take with you in your bag and bring out whenever you’re stuck somewhere without anything else to do.