With only a week to spare, I’m once again finding myself in the situation of stressing out about finishing a quilt for a wedding (Anyone remember my rants from last July?). For this one, I’m close to having half of the binding on, and two more borders of quiltling left.

For so long I’ve been putting this project off–it’s been too hot this summer, other projects were more important, going back to work–and now I’m worried that I waited too long. People keep telling me it’s not a big deal–that even if it’s not finished, I can give it to them after the wedding, but I really, really don’t want to do that. I’m so close, but I have so much to do the next few days (and I recently started knitting a pair of socks, and that’s way more fun right now than flipping out about a quilt being finished).
I’m coming to the conclusing that I love working on big projects until right before I’m finished with it. Stupid, isn’t it?