My sister’s 21st birthday was this past Tuesday. And the perfect present for a sister who’s just turned 21 is of course… knitted socks. Whoo.

While I was knitting the second sock I had a revelation while watching an episode of Knitty Gritty about sock knitting (oh my gosh, I’m knitting a sock, while watching a show about knitting socks! How weird!), about how to better pick up the stitches along the heel so there would be less gapping between the stitiches. I was really amazed how obviously better the second sock was than the first.
I at least hope she’ll wear them next time she has a drink.
those are cute and did I mention how groovy the new header is? Grooooovvvvvvveeeeeeee
you an amazing knitter – wow.
I haven’t been knitting very long, almost a year. Just made fingerless gloves in baby alpaca sport weight and when i googled about blocking it i got your website/blog.
do you think it’s safe to block them or will it stretch out?
going to do the baby blanket you have here. thanks for sharing. very inspiring!!