As promised yesterday, here’s my tutorial of how to make a simple bag! I hope to be as clear as possible, but if there are any confusing spots, please ask and I’ll be happy to clarify where I can.
First of all, you’ll need some materials. For this demonstration, I’m using a thick, cotton duck cloth for the outside, and a standard cotton quilting fabric for the inside. You’ll also want an iron on interfacing (I prefer a polyester that’s thick, but soft, so that the bag still has firmness but isn’t stiff as a board), some thread (I use 100% cotton), something for the handles (like a cotton webbing), a straight edge ruler, scissors, and straight pins. If you have access to a rotary cutter, it will also be a big time saver.

The first thing you’ll want to do, is to cut your pieces. I’m making a small bag in this demonstration, but you can chose any size you prefer. Typically, my bags are about 10 inches wide and about 12 inches tall. It’s totally up to you though. You’ll want to cut your outer fabric first, then iron on your interfacing, and then cut your two inside pieces. You can either use your ruler and a pencil or fabric marker to mark your fabric and then cut with scissors, or use your rotary blade at this point.
At this point, you’ll want to add whatever you’d like to your bag for embellishment. If you’re making the Circle in the Square bag from Bead Simple, follow those instructions.

Then, tell your cat to move. She’s always sitting where you want to be working….or maybe that’s just me.
You’ll want to cut the handles next. You can use the cotton webbing, or if you’d like, you can always make your own out of fabric.

Setting the front panel of the back so that it’s facing you right side up, pin the handles evenly onto the bag. You’ll want to make sure to measure here. The ends of the handles will be flush with the top edge of the front panel. This is also a good time to check to make sure the handle isn’t twisted.

Lay the lining fabric on top of the front panel and handles, facing down. Then pin everything together on the top side. I like to pin on either sides of the handles, so that I don’t get lumps sewn in. Take your front half of your tote to the sewing machine and zip across the top, leaving at least a 1/4 inch seam allowance. I also like to backstitch over the handles for extra support.

Follow the last steps to put the back panel, straps, and lining fabric together. After each are done, pull out your pins and fold the pieces down so you can press the two parts with your iron to lay flat. Once that’s done, open them up again, and get ready to pin them together.

Pin the two sides together, right sides together. Line them up as close as possible.

So as to not overload your sewing machine’s needle, you’ll want to butt-up the top of the bag. Fold one of the front flaps to the right, and the other to the left. You’ll be much less likely to break a needle this way.
Sew up both sides of the bag, as well as the bottom of the outside of the bag. Again, make sure you use at least 1/4 inch seam allowance at minimum. This leaves only the bottom of the lining to be sewn.

If you would like your bag to have a square bottom, you need to cut the edges. Using a ruler, mark on the interfacing a square, measuring from the seam line and not the fabric edge. For this smaller bag, I chose to measure in 3/4 inch. Do this on both sides and cut the squares out with scissors.

Using the same technique as in the last seam, butt the two edges up to each other, folding one to the right, and one to the left. Stitch the seam once, and then backstitch over the whole edge once more. Making sure that the seams are going the right way, do the same on the other square.

Now working on the lining fabric, stitch in on either side about 1 1/2 inches. Then, make the square on each side of the bottom, following the same directions for the outside fabric.

Flip the bag right side out through the bottom of the lining.

Pull the lining fabric out of the bag, and pin the bottom together, with edges facing inside. Using a blind stitch (this website has a good instruction of how to make a blind stitch) sew the small opening together, and finish with a small knot slipped into the fabric fold at the end. String the thread into the middle of the bag, and bring the needle out away from your work before clipping it.

Pin the top flat and sew around the edge of the bag, about 1/4 of an inch away from the top. Press the bag to get out any extra wrinkles.

That’s it! You’ve made a bag….hopefully!
I just know when I make this, my 3 cats will be doing the same way. i love this bag.
Thanks for the handbag post. You make really great things. Can’t wait to try the pattern.
Amazing bag! Very helpful tutorial. 😀
I’m absolutely in love with this bag! Too cute!!! Thank you SO much for sharing!
I have been sewing many years…since high school…MANY years…altho, my sewing machine has been on the fritz for a bit, I am motivated, after seeing your SUPER CUTE bag, to take it to the “dr” and have it overhauled!..Your instructions are super easy peasy to understand…THANKS for the TUTE & motivation to get back into sewing again!
Creative blessings, Debbie
Thanks so much for this tutorial! My 5 year old daughter has been sewing buttons like a mad woman ever since she learned it at her pre-school. I showed her this project and she is soooo excited! She can do the buttons and I can put together the bag! Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Oh the kitties add such an element to sewing don’t they!? One of Hariett’s favorite places is on top of something newly pressed. She enjoys it even more when it has just been pinned up for cutting. I wonder if I have any sewing projects that haven’t included kitty hair in them.
I think I might know now what I’m going to do with some of my random fabric yardage that I’ve collected in my craft room. I can always use another tote bag!
I love your work,how can I view some of your works and patterns?
I’m in a tote swap and this tutorial will come in handy! Love the bag…..the buttons are fab.
As for the kitty…..Leo does that too. He also likes to jump up on our wonky ironing board but then it tips over……
can i ask….how to make a homemade backpack that is sewed even without a sewing machine….i just want to make backpack that are identically alike for me and for my boyfriend pls help me…..^_^
I am currently making gift bags to sell and I like the way you are making the boxed corners.
I want to try it that way and see if it is easier.
Thanks so much for that tutorial. I really enjoyed it. Now, if I could sew, I’d be good to go! 🙂
I would like to put an item in my blog about your wonderful bag tute. If this is not agreeable with you please let me know and I will remove it. I think everyone should visit your site and check out that tute. That bag is just tooo cute and you make it look so easy.
nice bag.loved it!
Your steps look so easy, i can’t wait to get to sewing again. I have been looking around trying to find some good instructions so i can make it for school usage. Thanks
Great tutorial, thanks! And your cat is soooo cute! Loved the bit “Then tell your cat to move” – mine always wants to come and sit on my work!!!
my cats do the same thing, it’s great and annoying at the same time.
oh well, the rule the roost.
Great tutorial, thanks so much for sharing! Love the name of your blog, so glad I came over from Sew Mama Sew!
wow fun bag I just love the instructions and how lovely it looks! I will be giving this a try SOON!!sure happy to have found your blog!! I will be back!! thanks!! hugs Linda
my cat jumped up just while reading this … =]
very cute bag.
Hi thx for this info! I am using these steps to make bags for my project!
Plus its so cute!!!
I wish I had found this website when I was trying to figure out how to make a bag last week. Rebecca
Thanks for the tutorial! I made a knitting bag tonight! 🙂
This is adorable and i want to make it. The instructions look great, but…. Sorry, this a total “I’m-obviously-not-a-very-experienced-sewer” question, but what is interfacing? And could I make this adorable bag without it?
That is so cute. I love it. I want one.
this is totally cool!
I loooove stumble! I “stumbled” onto this site, and this is exactly what I have planned for my homemade Christmas gifts! So nice to have a tutorial now:) Thanks!
Stumble rocks! I am going to stumble this site to my wife, she’ll love it! Thanks! Definitely getting a “thumb’s up” from me!
Excellent instructions. i’m a Textiles teacher in Gibraltar and i do similar bags daily with 13 yr olds. clear, informative photos. I might begin to encourage lined tote bags from now on. ta! Viv!
hey ..what a nice way of teaching how to make a bag .. am gonna make it now .. thanks to you!
WOW i love that u are such a generous person to post this! i’m learning how to sew and this is very helpfull thanks!
Thanks for the simple tutorial! Nicely explained 🙂
Pepperberry & Co.
Just wanted to let you know that I have always wanted to make a lined tote bag but could never wrap my mind around how to do it correctly. I appreciate your detailed and easy to follow instructions and pictures – I made one this weekend and I am so pleased with myself! Now I’d like to try a few more! Love your site – thanks! 🙂
It’s exactly what I needed!! Thanks
I have listed ur tutorial in
Hope u dont mind 🙂
that is so cool i love to sew but well i am not that good
Thanks so much! I’m about to start making a bag of my own and I’m super exited. 🙂
This bag is great and your instructions appear to very clear … Thanks
I’m making one for my grandchild for halloween. Your tutorial is very helpful I’m getting started today. Wish me luck.
Thank you!! Great directions for my first sewing project…it turned out great!!
Thanks for a nice memory! I recently lost a much-loved Kitty who loved to help me with my sewing,too.
like it very much! I will try to make a bag. I have just bought a portable sewing machine
cool i love this