Well. I sure was in a grouchy mood earlier this week. I’ve perked up considerably from the other day–I guess I just get frustrated about feeling like I’m trapped in a rut. I want so badly to be coming up with new things and making everything that ever crosses my mind but that’s just not possible, and I know it. FRUSTRATING!

I’ll try not to be so fricking annoying from now on.

Jellybean Hairpins

So these are those hairpins that were in the photo from the craft show two entries down. I’ve had a lot of people say things about them, so I figured I’d show you a few up close.

Black & White Hairpins

They’re actually one of my favorite things to make for a show, because they really seem to make my table seem a whole lot fuller than it actually is. Plus, all of the colors really draws a whole lot of attention, and let’s face it–at a show, I’m looking for something that will do that. (Greedy Sarah.)

On My Head

I love them for the fact that I keep every single last scrap of fabric now to make these. I have three bins in my sewing room (what the heck…let’s call it my studio) that I keep my small pieces in. I keep them organized by color:

1.) Blacks, whites and neutrals in one

2.) Green, blue and purple in another

3.) Red, orange, yellow and pink in the last

Color coding is very important to me, as you can see. You would never know this though, by looking on the floor and the desk and seeing that half of the fabric pieces never actually make it to the bins, because I don’t know how to clean. I just don’t think it’s possible for me to do.

Springy Hairpins

So, regardless of all of that mess stuff, I had a bunch of hairpins left over from my show the other weekend, and today I decided to try photographing some of my favorites. I’ve put a few of the sets up at my Etsy shop, too. Just thought you might like to know that.


I’m in a really frustrated mood this week. I’ve been thinking that on the whole, the week itself has been good (a free iced coffee from the new coffee shop in town for lunch yesterday, a phone call from my very best friend, Kate, and my summer break only a few weeks away) but I think I’m feeling out of touch with my creating. Instead of feeling inspired, I’m feeling run down and out of new ideas.

I need to build up my confidence in new projects, and be happy with those that I want to finish. I feel as though I base my success solely on the opinions of others, and I just think I need to move past that.

This, apparently is what a gloomy, chilly, rainy day in May does for my confidence.


The posting is a little late, but here’s my report of my first craft show of the season!

This show was in Flint, Michigan and was at the cutest little sandwich shop. I loved the place–it had brick walls, pictures of customers, and a really sweet owner. The day overall was a little quiet (it was raining most of the day, and I was a little bit out of the main loop of sellers) but everyone who came by was so nice and positive about my work.

My Table

I’m really feeling like I’m getting the hang of the whole show thing, too. I was able to get set up in just a few minutes, and I had time to relax before people started coming by. I’m really starting to enjoy doing these more and more.


Overall, it was a great day and it got me really excited to do more as the summer goes on.

Red Button Pouch

P.S. I do have a lot of bags and totes left over from this show though. So if you’re interested in a tree pouch or tote, or just some of my other patchwork totes and Japanese fabric pouches, check out my Etsy shop over the next few days. Thanks!

Red Button Pouch