So, I think I’m unofficially, officially shopping for a new sewing machine. Anybody got any suggestions?

As much as I really, really love my sewing machine, I think the problems that I’m having with it are outweighing the good. Emma, my machine, went in for a tune up earlier this year, and she ran much better for about 2 months. I’m having the same problems that I did about this time last year though–sloppy, uneven length stitches, sliding out of tension in the feed dogs, and weird jamming up problems. I would consider taking her back in to be serviced again, but I they had her for almost 2 months because they had to re-order a broken part. With Renegade coming up, I can’t be out of a machine for that long. Plus, I just can’t justify spending $150 every six months for a tune up. Buying new just seems to make more sense.
My next step is to start shopping. I’m looking for a machine that can be used everyday and not be worn down quickly. I think my current machine was meant much more as a hobbyist model and I’d like something a little tougher. I’m also looking to do quilting with it, but I don’t need any of the fussy embroidery stitches and functions. Emma is a Husqvarna Viking, and I’ve been really happy with the ease of using the machine, but I’m certainly not committed to that brand. I want to test driving some models, but if there’s something super good that I should look at, I’d be interested to know about it! I need any help that I can get.