You know, when you’re plunking ahead on a project, then you get hit with a case of strep throat and possibly mono (but hey, you’re still waiting to hear back about the mono from the lab test from the doctor’s office so you’re not really sure you have it) but can barely pull yourself out of bed, all while on your 29th birthday, and you just lose steam? I had one of those weeks.
So how about some crochet? Let’s discuss.

I got really wrapped up in wanting to make a Granny Square afghan last summer (what do you know…it’s another one of those started, then forgotten projects that I am SO GOOD at) and, surprise, surprise, it’s been sitting in a basket in my sewing room since last summer. It’s such an easy, mindless project that has been nice to have while I’ve been so sick. And I’m glad to be working on it again, because I really do like it.

I’m just using basic acrylic yarn (Vanna’s Choice…not mine, however) and although I’m glad I’ll be able to wash it without problem, it makes me realize just how much I don’t like acrylic yarn. If I ever do something like this again, I’ll definitely go the way of cotton–if I want washablity, or wool. The acrylic is pilly and not very soft. It’ll work well to go at the foot of a bed, but not something that I’d like to cuddle up with on the couch in the winter.
But, perfect for working on in between nap times. Do yourself a favor, and take a pass on the strep throat. You’ll be glad you did.
Also, as a side note, I just wanted to add that I haven’t forgotten about the hand quilting tutorial, but it will be a little further off than I had originally planned. I’ll make a big deal about it once it gets a little closer though!
I’m so glad I’m not the only person who has lots of half finished projects lying around. Reminds me I should start on my babette again!
You could always put a cute cloth backing on it after you’re done, that way the part that is up against you is comfy and cuddly!
Poor baby. That’s what mindless projects are for: when you just don’t mind. I wish I could send you matzo ball soup. Get well soon.
Great to pull out an old project when you’re sick. I have so many unfinished projects and recently had a bad cold that finished a stashed away quilt.
I am just getting over Tonsilitis for the first time since elementary school and I know exactly what you mean about needing a between naps project. I got really far advanced on a sweater I started a while ago. I’ve already switched over to a quilt project now that I’m feeling better. Thank goodness for anti-biotics!
i like to remind myself that not every project must be completed from start to finish before i start a new one. i purposely work on blankets or ‘mindless’ crocheting between more involved projects when i need a break from focusing so much. i try to have low expectations for when i want to finish them (until i am close to the end) and before i know it, it’s like the projects made themselves.
be easy on yourself! a blanket is an undertaking–yours looks great, and i know you’ll finish it soon enoguh.
I am making an Afghan myself as well and it’s progress is VERY slow lol. So you’re not the only one 😉 I love your blog by the way and can’t wait to read your handquilting tutorial. I’ve never tried it, but plan to (already bought some cute fabrics. It’s always nice to have someone with experience tell you what to do instead of having to figure it out all by yourself 🙂
Get well soon! I hope you don’t have mono, that would be such a long recovery process 🙁 Take care!
Love the colors on those grannies. And I agree on the acrylic yarn—-not very soft and cuddly. Can’t wait to see the afghan finished.
Love your blog. Get well soon!