I just looked back at the date of my last post and am shocked that it’s been over a week since I blogged last. This summer is flying by. It doesn’t seem possible that we’re already into July.
I’m gearing up for a craft show in a few weeks, and was looking to make some new things to take with me. Here’s what I’ve been working on the past few days:

Shoes! Aren’t they so much fun? I should probably call them slippers instead, since I’m not sure they’d completely hold up for wearing out and about. The pattern comes via I Think Sew. Her patterns are so cute and really reasonably priced. And the shoes….oh my goodness!

It took me a few days to figure out how to make them correctly, but now that I’ve got everything down, they’re a lot of fun to make. I’d like to have a nice pile of them to take with me to the show in two weeks!
And speaking of which! If anyone is semi-local, I’ll be at the I-Art Festival in Redford, Michigan July 24th and 25th. The show runs from 11-9pm on Saturday and from 10-4pm on Sunday. I’m hoping for great weather and a big turnout this year!