I am insanely fed up with being at a creative block.

Today, out of sheer frustration for not making progress on anything, I forced myself to start cutting pieces for….something. I don’t even know what I’m making. I just felt that if I didn’t do anything, that I’d feel even more behind and blocked. I’m not sure it really helped. I’m doubting choices in colors and sizes and I don’t even know what I’d like for it to become.

Yesterday I spent the majority of my time in the sewing room looking at what I have, and not being able to make any decisions. Finally, I cut up some green, brown and white 3 inch, half square triangles and sewed them together to work on a bag idea I had some time ago. I wasn’t happy with the colors together, and so now they’re just sitting and waiting for me to decide what I should do with them. I don’t know though.

I should be spending my time working on my half-finished lunch sacks, but after a series of pretty major mistakes in the process of making them, I’m frustrated with them. I’d like to finish them and get them off to their respective new homes, but I’m overwhelmed with finishing them.
I’m genuinely frustrated with my mindset these days. I want to work on projects and make strides in finishing things, but I’m having a lot of issues with self-doubt and second guessing. I’m having a lot of trouble shaking that feeling and just getting on with the making process.
(Finally, to wrap up my last post about my oops fabric–it has gone to a good home. A friend mentioned to me very quickly after the post went up that she’d have a perfect use for it, so I told her it was hers! A loving home was indeed found!)
That creativity block happens to me all the time, and sometimes lasts for weeks or months. Don’t force yourself to sew if you’re not feeling it! It might help to buy some new fabric, though!
I can hear your frustration! Have you tried making something small just for yourself? Don’t think about any use for it other than you want it/love it. When I was making things to sell I ended up getting very confused between what I liked vs what would sell and how to find a good mix between the two. Try to turn off that part of your brain for a while. Look at some of your quilt books/blogs for inspiration if you’re stumped. Hope this helps! Hang in there 🙂
You may be blocked, but at least you’re keeping up with your resolution to be a better blogger!
Don’t worry too much about your block – maybe this is just nature’s way of telling you to take some time for you!