If posting about a finished quilt three months after I finish it is somehow wrong…well, then I just don’t want to be right.
So, then.

Back in March, my nephew Vaughn, turned one. Ben made him a beautiful, cherry wood toy box, and I wanted to make him a small quilt to go along with it. I had picked up this Riley Blake fabric earlier in the year, but at the time, I had no idea what to do with it. It was just too cute to pass up.

It’s certainly nothing fancy. Strip quilts are about my least favorite kind of quilt–they seem like such a cop out, but I just really wanted to make something so that the fabric would really show. There’s a couple of big prints in the bunch, and I wanted to make sure that Vaughn could really pick out the cars. So, strip quilt it was.

The one thing I was please about was my second real attempt at free motion quilting. It’s still not perfect, by any means, but I think I did even better than on my Log Cabins In the Snow quilt. It felt more natural while I was sewing it, and I certainly wasn’t as stressed out about making mistakes this time. It makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable.
It looks really nice. Is “free motion quilting” the swirly top stitching? I wouldn’t have guessed it was only your second time doing it, it looks super good 🙂
Great to see your post. I have been checking your blog often to see what you are doing!
Ah, how I wish clever quilt designers like you would come up with some patterns other than the strip quilt that would allow large-scale patterns to shine! Not that I don’t like strip quilts, though, and and that one is gorgeous.
what a darling quilt! perfect for a little boy. I think the strips are perfect, and he will have fun playing on it with cars and stuff. Looks like streets to me!
I know what you mean about posting something that you did 3 months ago…. I get so far behind by only blogging in my mind. then i cant decide if I should write about what I’m doing today, or try to catch up on all the other stuff I have been doing that made me too busy to blog!