I’m starting to learn that good things really do come in small packages. Even small quilts are really, really good. In fact, it’s as good or even almost more gratifying than a large quilt right now.
I’ve been wanting to do more quilting for a while now. The problem is, I never seem to finish what I start. I have more quilt projects than I’d like to discuss that are sitting in the unfinished pile that just sit and wait for me to have more time to commit to them. But when I have so much other sewing to work on (I have three upcoming, two day craft shows that kick off next weekend). I just can’t justify working on my bigger projects. And I SO want to.

Instead of pulling out bigger projects, I’m starting small. I can still quilt, but I can finish a project in a day, or, even better, a few hours. I’m planning on taking them to my upcoming shows, but I haven’t decided if I’m going to try selling them or not. I just think they’ll look great hanging above my table.

Now, instead of people coming to my tent and then walking away and then thinking to theirselves, “oh, look at all the mediocre bags and pouches,” they’ll say “oh, look at all the mediocre bags and pouches AND QUILTS.” And then they’ll walk away without stopping.
love your mini quilts, esp. the diagonal quilting on the crosses. good luck with your craft shows!
Your mini quilts are great! And your bags and pouches are most certainly NOT mediocre – they are wonderful! Good luck at the shows.
I happen to love my HTPS pouch and like to think that I don’t buy anything mediocre. (I think that’s my robot fabric in that last one…)
Anyway, the mini quilts are lovely, as is all of your work!
Sarah, your work is wonderful! Unfortunately there are lots of folks who attend craft shows and art fairs who don’t understand the total amount of work and artistic ability that goes into creating one product, no matter the size. I think the quilts would look wonderful hanging in your booth – so much color!
If you hang those in your booth be prepared to sell them – they are very pretty!!
I love the mini quilts! I haven’t ever made a quilt smaller than a baby quilt but I’m thinking I might need to soon. Your stuff is not mediocre! I hope your shows go well. Keep at it, your stuff is really cute!
I love your mini quilts and the way you think. Small it is.