Day 10

I’m just squeeking in under the wire today. Hope everyone enjoyed day 10! (And for people who aren’t really sure what I made today, it is actually a lightbulb. I put the sparkles on it to help it look more twinklie.)

Day 8

It may look like a sweet little day 8 poinsettia, but truth be told, it’s actually a giant, crafty gal eating flower. Just before this picture was taken, it tried to swallow the snowflake from day 3 down inside its giant flower center. Somehow this one got a little bit out of hand. I hope you enjoy it, anyway!

Day 7

I’m keeping myself warm today on day 7 with my new candle. It’s not doing much for me, due to the fact that says it’s 8 degrees out right now. Brrrr!