Rudolph looks like someone just told him the stupidest joke in the world, and he’s trying to make them feel better by acting like it was funny. What a wonderful Christmas story I’ve just come up with.
One of the 2nd grade boys that I work with at school told me last week that you “have to be careful when you hug an elf, because their ears are pointy and you may get hurt.” That young man is a smart one.
I’m sorry about the last few days delay of posting. I’ve been feeling a little lousy, and I’m in overdrive trying to finish up the last of my Christmas gifts. I hope the next few days make up for my slowness! 🙂
The ice skate was a last minute idea and I was really excited about it. I just wish I would have been able to get a little better picture of it. Only 10 more felties to go–yikes! I guess I need to think about finishing my presents and Christmas cards, too!