Okay, here’s the deal. I finished the top of the wedding quilt–yay! I’m very, very excited about that. And I’d love to show you all, but I can’t–our computer is out of commission. So please stick with me (thanks also to the people who kept coming back even when our server went down last week too) and I promise I’ll post real pictures as soon as the computer is up and running again! I have so much to show you all : )
Super nice husband Ben has come to Hip To Piece Square’s rescue, and helped me to put together a new layout for the blog. Like it?? It’s at least a bit more lively to look at than before!
The technical support crew here at H.T.P.S. Headquarters has added MT-Blacklist to hold back the rising tide of SPAM and advertisement comments. If anyone has trouble posting legitimate comments with the new filters, just e-mail me and I’ll make appropriate changes to let your comments through. Happy blogging.
The new Hip To Piece Squares server is up and running with Movable Type as the blogging engine! Happy posting.