October and Halloween has come and gone. I carved my pumpkins,

dressed up like the tooth fairy for a class full of first graders,

(that’s my tooth fairy wand. Thanks for the great costume idea Becka!) and now it’s November. November sucks. No really, it does. I hate the snow that will be coming soon, I hate the cold, and I hate the way it gets dark at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon now. But the one good thing about late fall is that it’s finally the right season to quilt. I’m so close to finishing up Granny’s quilt, that I’m hardly able to control myself. I need to finish it! I think that if I work everyday, I’ll be able to have it done by the end of the week.

And to prove just how far my nose has been buried in my quilting lately, I didn’t even happen to notice that Craftster has added a new section for people to post just about quilts. I didn’t have a lot of time to look at all the posts, but there were some good quilts posted. I may have to show off this quilt there when I’m finished with it. (I’m such a show off! Is that a bad thing??)
I think the whole blogging thing in general indicates that we are all show offs don’t you? The quilt looks great and I totally agree with you about fall being “quilting season”. Its perfect for snuggling up under an in progres quilt. Maybe I should try that and get somethings done!! Now that I started blogging I am having problems choosing quilting over blogging.
Sew on Sister!
glad i could help with the costume! i like your wand.
your “granny quilt” is looking great. i love the colors in it.
Great site