Last week I was browsing though quilting things on eBay, and I found something that I thought was totally cool! I’m not usually much of an eBay shopper–I tend to get bored looking through it–but I was pumped when I found a set of 10 Grandmother’s Flower Garden blocks. They came yesterday in the mail–an exciting Valentine’s Day arrival! The prints look like the fabric is from the late 30’s or 40’s. I’m not that good with identifing dates of fabric, so if anyone could give me a better idea about it, let me know.

Granny's eBay Flowers

Parts of the flowers have been hand pieced, while some pieces in the same block were sewn on a machine. And while the fabric itself is in pretty good wear, there are a couple of stains on the blocks that I’d like to try to take out, if it’s possible to do, without destroying the fabric. If there’s no way to do that, it’s not too big of a deal. It just shows its age that way. Does anyone have any good tips for that?
Granny's Stains

Despite all of that excitement, I have been progressing with my wedding quilt for our friends. I have two full rows pieced together. Yay! Only three more left to go! (I’m never going to get it finished!!!) But I have made a promise to Steve (one half of the wedding quilt’s recipients) that from now on, I’ll hide the pictures of the quilt. (He wants to be surprised!) So anyone who isn’t getting my quilt as a gift–click on!

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I’m not allowing myself to do anymore knitting for awhile. When I start knitting something, it’s the only thing I do…ever. I finished my poncho this past weekend, and when I brought it to my crafty girls group this week, people were amazed that I had it done already. THAT’S BECAUSE I’VE DONE NOTHING ELSE SINCE I STARTED IT! I’m not fast, I just have no life. But it is finished, and it’s nice to wear around the house.

Blue Poncho

And now, since I’m no longer letting myself start any new knitting projects, I’ve actually gotten some work finished on my new wedding quilt. Today I sewed three finished blocks together. That was a big accomplishment. For months, I only had one actual block completly done. Now I can start to see just what the top is really going to look like:
Blue Poncho

It needs to be ironed pretty bad right now, but I’d like to wait and do that when I get a strip of six blocks done before I do that work. I’m real pleased with how it’s starting to look. Now if I can just get a lot of work finished with it this weekend when we’re on our 12 hour trip to North Carolina. As long as it doesn’t make me carsick, I should do pretty well!