Denyse Schmidt Quilt-Alongers, I haven’t forgotten you! It seems like progress for some of the people who have already started their quilts has been a little slow, but I really can relate lately. Of those coasters I mentioned last time I posted, I have ONE finished.

I do love the first one though! I think the set will be very cute when I get it finished.
Not everyone is as pokey as me though. Allison (also a friend of mine who comes to my sewing group!) has finished her Zigzag Bag!

I really like the projects from the book that include vinyl, but since I don’t have a Teflon foot yet, I haven’t tried any of them. Allison said she used her walking foot to sew the vinyl for her bag, and it worked just fine.
Also to mention, Cassie and Karen have joined the quilt-along. New Quilt-Alongers are always welcome!
I am going to be the last person in the world to get this book…
No you won’t Jenn, that will be me. I’ll also be the last one to finish it, so don’t feel bad.
please add me to the quilt along! as soon as i figure out whats goofy with my camera ive made the potholder and framed picture and im going to work on the zig zag quilt next! love that book!!!
Love the bag and those blues in the fabric up top are beautiful!
I really like the bag think I might steel your idea and make me one
I’d love to join the quilt-along! I picked up this book about a week ago and haven’t been able to put it down. I started the heating pad cover last night and am ready to piece the front together hopefully tonight. This will be my second offical quilting project! I don’t really count my first as it was awful! So bad, that I decided quilting wasn’t for me and haven’t thought about doing it again for 5 years or so. But now, I feel I’m up to the challenge! (and those cutting boards make it soooo much easier!)
I know this comment is WAY late, but you don’t need the teflon foot. I put some low-tack painters tape on the backside of my presser foot and sew with vinyl all the time. Works like a charm!