I think I may have made the best bag that I’ve ever made this week.

Not to toot my own horn or anything (that so sounded like something a grandma would say) by I’m pretty pleased with my work on this bad boy. I was sitting in the sewing room the other night, playing with my buttons and I needed to make something with them. I’ve been through the standard tree button colors a few times now, and I really didn’t want to repeat that with this. Instead I started thinking about trees in the spring, and how the purple lilacs are one of my favorites. I ended up with this.

I did pockets with this one. I didn’t know I could do pockets!

There was a bit of a tense moment during the whole process when I accidently ripped the last bit of gray fabric that I had. I had miscalculated the seam allowence when I was making the handles, and instead of carefully ripping out the stitching I sliced the whole side of the handel, wrecking it. I nearly lost it. Thank goodness JoAnn’s had the same color gray, without any mismatched dye lot issues like I was fearing.
And as usual, I’ve put this bag up in my Etsy Shop. It may have to be torn from my hands though, since apparently I’m in love with it.
yeah! this one is the greatest! i love love the color grey! hi-five! 🙂
that is darling. I think I need to buy some buttons 🙂
ACK! I love it! I do. I would date it.
I was searching the internet for projects (as if I don’t have enough already) and stumbled upon your site. I’m in the middle of knitting a purse to be felted and have a quilt only half quilted, along with countless other projects, but that’s irrelevant. Anyway, I’m 20 and I was just fascinated by all the various projects that you have displayed, because no one else I know is interested when I start talking about things like that. Anyway, keep up the good work. Everything is amazing.
I think this is adorable!
Wow. You have seriously inspired me to start using buttons on my work. This is lovely!