The posting is a little late, but here’s my report of my first craft show of the season!
This show was in Flint, Michigan and was at the cutest little sandwich shop. I loved the place–it had brick walls, pictures of customers, and a really sweet owner. The day overall was a little quiet (it was raining most of the day, and I was a little bit out of the main loop of sellers) but everyone who came by was so nice and positive about my work.

I’m really feeling like I’m getting the hang of the whole show thing, too. I was able to get set up in just a few minutes, and I had time to relax before people started coming by. I’m really starting to enjoy doing these more and more.

Overall, it was a great day and it got me really excited to do more as the summer goes on.

P.S. I do have a lot of bags and totes left over from this show though. So if you’re interested in a tree pouch or tote, or just some of my other patchwork totes and Japanese fabric pouches, check out my Etsy shop over the next few days. Thanks!

How completely adorable! I love the pins- I’ve got to learn how to do those!!
Everything looks great! I love the pins too….and the totebag 🙂
lovely stall you had! those pins are soo cute!
The set up looks great! I do shows all the time and I love it, it’s nice to meet everyone and get the immediate feedback. So rewarding! Good luck…
all your things are awesome!
Hi ! I’m amy, I was also vending at the Flint City Handmade spring craft market. I just looked you up because my friend is bemoaning the amount of scraps she has. You are doing great things. i have thought of your stuff often(a sure sign that your stuff is super good. It’s the same method i use to decide if a movie was as good as i thought =) ) and favorited your winter tree bag on Etsy. You are super talented- keep up the great work !