I know that it seems like I’ve yet again, abandoned the blog, but alas, I am here. Sewing my brains out!

I’m getting ready for a show next weekend, and these are the latest edition to my goods that I’ll be bringing along with me. Journals! For as much as I’m obsessive compulsive about writing everything down, these have been perfect for me to make. Once I fill up one notebook, I can slide it out and put a new one in.

I’ve been using different colors of linen to line the outside, with three pieces of cotton to make it all pretty-like. I’ve also found a bit sturdier of an iron on interfacing that seems to work really well. I’m not sure of the name; so far I’ve been able to pick it out based on feel.
**Side note: Am I the only one who does that with interfacing? All the women at the craft stores don’t believe me when I ask for other interfacing than what they have on display, and they’ll tell me, “Oh honey, these are the only kinds they make. I’m sure one of these are what you need.” And I’m all like “no, I can tell the difference by touch, and this isn’t the same interfacing you had last month when I was in the store. I swear there’s a conspiracy.

So, these, along with oodles of pouches and bags and other sewing have been keeping me busy this month. Next Saturday I’ll be back in Ypsilanti, Michigan for the Summer Shadow Art Fair at the Corner Brewery. It’s always a really fun day, so if you’re in the area, stop by, look at crafts and have a beer! (You’ll have to buy your own, though.)