I have a confession to make: I’m afraid I might be a compulsive hoarder. Want proof? Just have a look at my stack of new fabrics and tell me I’m not crazy.

I’m currently somewhat obsessed with watching shows about people who have compulsive hoarding problems recently. I’m also somewhat obsessed about starting new projects that involve new fabric. Do you see the parallel? ARE YOU FEARFUL YET?

But look! SNAILS! Can we even begin to discuss how much I love this fabric? Because I do. (But do you think that red and cream Amy Butler dot print matches the red from the mushrooms? I actually already had that one and pulled it out because I couldn’t find a red that I liked when I found the other four colors. Thoughts?)

And then I’ve been collecting browns and greens. I think this is going to make an fantastic top, but I have no idea what to do with it. I’m stumped on what to start. So far, my only idea has been to make a Single Girl with it, but I’m not sure I have enough variation in fabrics. Again, thoughts?

And here are the miscellaneous fabrics. I’ve been picking them up since the beginning of the year now, and I’m pretty sure they don’t all really go together. I need to keep planning with this team. All wonderful, for sure, but not all necessarily meant to be together. Which I think is a hoarding-type thought. I think.
The one good thing about all this is that I haven’t acutally begun any projects yet. (Which I think is certainly adding to this issue!) I’m still on track to get the quilting on my Love Beads quilt finished up by the end of the month. I’ll also hopefully be back with two finished knits by the end of the week. That is, unless I become buried alive by my fabric, yarn and craft supplies.
Send help in the form of Rubbermaid bins and mental counseling soon!
I love the greens and browns! It might work with the Single Girl pattern if you toss in a solid brown and maybe one other fabric — a funky color possibly? 🙂
I’m also loving the snails & mushrooms.. so cute!
my goodness, you are still here too–we “met” waaaay back in august 2004 when there were VERY few textile blogs around :} KUDOS!!
Sorry, no sympathy from me, since I just bought several of those fabrics myself. The green and cream print from the top of the third photo (as well as the same print in turquoise), the nifty one at the bottom of the last photo, and several coordinating options. At this point, I don’t even try to decide what I’m going to make with it. I just have to have it.
I’m the same way. I LOVE my fabric but I hate to cut it…it’s so…purdy.
a green and brown single girl would be perfect… maybe adding some solid in the same shades? or keep those and use a solid green or brown as the background?
I’m a compulsive hoarder too, only my obsession is yarn. I LOVE those fabrics, especially the chocolates and greens (I also compulsively buy green fabric…)
Re: the green & brown-what about a zig-zag?
Join the fabric hoarding club, girl!
If I could find fabric like that around here, well lets just say I would be more of a hoarder then I already am. Hoarding is all part of the process.
Sounds like group counseling might be in order! Count me in. Although, I really don’t want to give up my happy addiction!
I’m crazy about the disappearing 9 patch right now. It is so simple, yet it makes a really pretty quilt, especially if the original pieces are a good size to begin with, giving it a more modern look.
I absolutely love those mushrooms and snails. Would you mind divulging your source to a fellow compulsive hoarder?