I did something last night that I may have never done before and may never do again in my lifetime. I actually put all my fabric away. In neat stacks so that I can see what I have.
And you guys, it is SO NICE.
Other than finishing projects, I’m not sure if anything else comes close to the satisfaction of just going through my fabric. Even if I don’t cut into it, spending time just thinking about what it could become is enough to turn around my driest of creative spells.

I think it’s interesting how my fabric buying habits have changed throughout the years. When I first started quilting and collecting fabric, I would hardly ever buy anything more than a quarter of a yard. Then I bumped up to half-yards, but once I started making bags, I felt like I went through my favorites so fast. I now typically buy in one yard cuts, but even that seems like so little sometimes. The best fabrics always seem to get used up so quickly, and then I feel sad about it. (Wow, that sounds a little pathetic.)
So in turn, I’ve also become stingy with the fabric I do have. As much as I want to use it, I want to keep it around in my stash for that perfect project. What if I find a pattern that is the most amazing thing ever and I don’t have anymore of that one amazing green? I get so concerned about it.
I’ve also thought a little more about buying full lines of fabric. I have quite a few Amy Butler prints, but I always bought them just because I liked them. Then, last summer Red Letter Day by Lizzie House came out and I wanted all of the colors in all of the prints to make a huge, wonderful quilt. I wonder if it’s time that I should invest in more coordinating pieces. Or, will the things that I make be more unique because I spent the time coordinating the fabrics on my own?
(But, I suppose it doesn’t matter since I won’t cut into anyway.)
Those stacks looks so perfect and colorful! It would be a shame to muss them up. I think you should just rub your hand over them everyday and talk sweetly to them.
Yup, I don’t think you should take it out again unless it is just to play with. You should just buy more. I am so pathetic with my stash that I will use a fabric I don’t like as well to keep the stuff I love just in case I need it for ????????
The stash looks fantastic but… where are the solids??? You.need.to.buy.more…
Whoa… so tidy! and Oh.. i love those colour combos I’m so jealous.
US designer fabrics are so expensive here in Australia 🙁
I have the same fabric issues! but mine is not organized as nicely. we have to try and use it though while we love it, cause there will be a time when you’ll think “what the heck was i thinking when i bought this?” and that will be sad.
This is so perfectly, incredibly, cheerfully neat & colourful !!!
I totally relate to your comments about buying habits! I, too, am a frequent-fat-quarter-consumer-turning-into-a-I-really-really-want/need-to-buy-full-yards-of-fabric-I-love-person. I can see this love of fabric thing is going to be a problem… 🙂
Yes, buy the fabrics that you love, rather than collections. Almost every quilt I see lately is made from this collection or that collection……they are gorgeous, but all look exactly alike !