Conversation tonight with Ben on our walk:
Me: “….I like it because it’s patchwork-y.”
Ben: “Do they work at State Farm?”
Me: “????”
Ben: “Pat Schwirkey. It just sounds like someone who probably sells insurance at State Farm.
Me: “YES! That’s totally my new alter ego!”
So yeah. Here’s something patchwork-y made by the very un-insurance selling Pat Schwirkey.

You should get realtor-style business cards, with a picture of you in a blazer.
I love that, soo funny! If I were a quilter, I’d definitely start a company called Pat Shwerky. Cute bag, I love that too 🙂
Dear Ms. Schwirkey,
Your latest project is sure to appeal to a wide variety of client. The tailoring details are executed to perfection. As long as the premium costs are reasonable, this should be a great selling policy.
A satisfied insurance client!!!!
Looks great, Sarah!