So I really like to quilt. That’s pretty obvious. I also really like to use the Internet. Put the two together, and you’ve got quilting websites, like mine for example. I’m wondering where the other people like me are lurking. Today I strolled over to Stargazey Quilts Online and I had honestly thought it was a neat site at first: there are some neat patterns, some cool pictures, and it’s another person with a new quilting idea, which in my opinion is always appreciated. But then I read on, and the site starts to annoy me a bit. They think it’s quirky to end all of their pattern names and ideas with a “Z,” like “appliquez” and “samplerz.” That’s just not cool. It’s like the Homestar Runner e-mail when Strongbad does the band names. So please, come up with some not annoying quilting websitez. (I had a fish in college that I named Jaw-z. He was a rapper fish. He also didn’t live very long.)
Speaking of pets, we’re getting a dog! Kasey the four-year-old Golden Retriver stayed with us this weekend, and she’s coming to live with us in a week or two. Her family is moving to Taiwan, so we’re adopting her. Yay!
And in other good (but not too good–I don’t want to get worked up over this one either) news, I got a call today while I was at work, about an interview for the Communications Representative position with the Department of Agriculture. I can’t put into full words just how much I want this job. It’s not just that I want to leave the exciting world of Fox 47 this time, but I REALLY want this job. Really. Keep your fingers crossed that good things do happen to people who get passed over for other crappy jobs!