I’m not really “down,” but it’s finally nice here, and all I want to do is roll around outside in the grass. If I did that though, people would think I had fleas. It’s also been warmer, and working by hand on a queen size quilt isn’t so great. So I have plans! I’ve already been outside, and managed to prep two garden beds around the house. One was really nasty, since it had about three years of mushed leaves stuck around and inside my shrubs. (I totally have shrubs now! How freakin cool!) The other must have been a veggie garden last year, since I found carrots stuck in the ground. They both look very niceee now.
Other projects for the week: writing letters. How nice is writing a real letter? It’s been awhile since I last sat down and wrote someone. There’s nothing more warm and fuzzy feeling than getting a real letter.
Next project: going out to lunch with friends. I have a lunch date with friends this Friday! It’s something to at least look forward to during the next few days of work.
Another project: marble magnets. I actually started this project about a month ago, and my first couple looked like poo. (I still put them on my fridge proudly though.) So now I’ve collected a few more magazines, and hopefully the next batch will turn out better. The directions are found at the ever amazing website Not Martha that I love to read.
And my final project for the week: ORGANIZE! I think I might try to tackle the massive organization of everything in my house. I know it needs to be done, and so I figure, why not start now, while it’s still cool enough to call it Spring Cleaning?
Oh yeah, that’s right. It’s my BIRTHDAY this week too!
Either way, we’ll see how I do. I’m sure I’ll still be back at my quilt in the evening. I’m running out of time to get it done, and I will have it done by July 24th. At least, I think that’s the day it needs to be done by!