I’m not so much about writing about the problems of my personal life, but I have to say, I’m pretty mad about what’s happening at work right now. Not only did everyone that I work with get fired on Monday, but I promise, no one is jumping up and down for joy about it. Yesterday in the Lansing State Journal, our station’s General Manager made a few comments that I thought were just horrible. “The mood is just great here” and “I’m just tickeled.” Whatever. I guess she’s not the one trying to comfort the on-air talent while the show is going on. No, I can’t say as though my life is over with since I lost my job. I was looking for other prospects. But no one likes to have the security of having a steady job taken away from them before they’re ready to. So, although I know no one from work will read this, and the only people that I suppose will are my friends and a few others out there on the Internet, I wanted to make sure, in some way, I’m not giving my soon to be former employer good press, since I don’t think they deserve it.
Okay, I’m off my soapbox and I promise I’ll go back to writing about my usual stuff next time.
I have just over two weeks to get A&V’s Wedding Spectacularrrr quilt done. I’m not so sure I’m going to make it. I’m honestly starting to freak out about it.
But something else for me to freak out about… I lost my job today! I swear it wasn’t just me though, it was the entire news department at the fine Fox 47 establishment. Turns out they’re “outsourcing” our news department to the NBC affilate in town to produce two shows a day for our air, starting at the end of August. I guess they’re talking that some people will be able to go with the news, but not everyone. It’s strange though. I think my time as a news producer is done for good. I can’t imagine taking another job for just over $7.00 an hour, and at best, getting part time work. I’ll either be working for the State of Michigan this fall, or be subsitute teaching. It’ll be an interesting season at least.
On the up side of things, Kasey has come to live with us for good now! We had a little bit of stress at first; she knocked over Ben’s madagasgar palm, ripped the screen door, and took off running away from me (that wasn’t fun) but she’s behaving herself well now. We’re going to have to work on her getting up at 5am just to say “hi” habit, but that’ll come in time!

I’m bored out of my mind here at work, so let me take a moment to slip out of the newsroom and actually enjoy my day.
***I’m enjoying the beautiful, sunny Memorial Day by relaxing at home on my day off. It’s been lovely.***
I just got a call from a woman, WAIT! She was a crazy woman, who asked if we had any plans to update a story we ran in March, about two bears that were saved after their mother was killed by a logger. She wanted us to run a story about how they’re freaking progressing! Ahhhhhh!!!! I can’t stand this place!
***I had a beautiful day at home today! Did I mention that I went to the most lovely Memorial Day picnic at Ben’s family’s house. It was really, so lovely. We really should have days like this more often.***
I went to a wedding this weekend for a friend of mine from high school. It’s so strange to see our friends getting married, and in some cases, starting to have kids even. I can’t say much, especially since Ben and I were just about the first of any of our friends to get married. But I was thinking about it later in the evening, that I’ve really got to get all of my girlfriends from high school together sometime. I think I want to throw a dip party, and make lots of yummy dips and have everyone over to my house to see each other. It would be fun to make invitations and food and do it for all of my old friends. I’m not sure if I should do it before, or after A&V’s WEDDING SPECTACULARRRR, since I’m still so wrapped up in projects like the quilt and Angie’s bridal luncheon for that. But I think it would be a whole lot of good-time fun.
I’m still here at work, aren’t I? It’s now 4:45, and I’ve been here since 2:30. This is the most I’ve done yet. Weighing out my options, I do get double-time for my appearance in the Fox 47 Newsroom today though, and it looks like it’s going to downpour any minute now. It’s all good in the end!