So I’m pleased to report that all went well with the quilt giving. It was a mighty traumatic weekend and all, since it was very much like giving my child up. (Okay, so I don’t have children, and I’m sure it would be worse to give up an acutal child, but it was pretty hard.) I spent much of my evening strolling by the gift table to make sure that people were still looking at it, and it hadn’t been pushed aside or buried by the plethora of presents surrounding it, as seen here:

We went to watch the newly married couple open presents the next day and got to see them open it. I, of course cried. They spread it out for everyone to see and they all started clapping. I was emotional, and I felt like a big dork. But it was all good, and we had a fun day.

See? We know how to have fun and look good, all at the same time.
But now, you may be asking, “Sarah, now that you’ve finished this quilt, what will you be working on next?” Now that’s a pretty stupid question. The big project now is to get the next round of wedding quilts started, along with about five others already in progress. I’ll post pictures of everything, minus Laura and Steve’s quilt since I know they think they’re going to be sneaky and try to find out what it looks like here!