Last week I was browsing though quilting things on eBay, and I found something that I thought was totally cool! I’m not usually much of an eBay shopper–I tend to get bored looking through it–but I was pumped when I found a set of 10 Grandmother’s Flower Garden blocks. They came yesterday in the mail–an exciting Valentine’s Day arrival! The prints look like the fabric is from the late 30’s or 40’s. I’m not that good with identifing dates of fabric, so if anyone could give me a better idea about it, let me know.

Parts of the flowers have been hand pieced, while some pieces in the same block were sewn on a machine. And while the fabric itself is in pretty good wear, there are a couple of stains on the blocks that I’d like to try to take out, if it’s possible to do, without destroying the fabric. If there’s no way to do that, it’s not too big of a deal. It just shows its age that way. Does anyone have any good tips for that?

Despite all of that excitement, I have been progressing with my wedding quilt for our friends. I have two full rows pieced together. Yay! Only three more left to go! (I’m never going to get it finished!!!) But I have made a promise to Steve (one half of the wedding quilt’s recipients) that from now on, I’ll hide the pictures of the quilt. (He wants to be surprised!) So anyone who isn’t getting my quilt as a gift–click on!
I so know that Laura is still reading this (she’s the other half of the quilt’s recipients!!) I need to press the seams to get it to lay flat, but otherwise, I’m pretty pleased with how my work looks after only two rows. I’m more pleased with my color choices now that I can see all four of the dimond shapes. Now if I could just get the rest of the top put together! It’s taking such a long time!

those blocks are beautiful! i have about 30 flowers in the same pattern that my great grandma made. in fact, the colors and patterns are so similar it is spooky. it must have been a very popular pattern. the fabrics are very similar to yours, so i would say 1930’s is about right. i will have to scan some and post them on my blog.
ooh. Nice (both the quilt you bought and the one you’re working on). Maybe you could make the blocks into pillows?
Thanks sissy! You’re the best.
The quilt is looking amazing!!! I’m so excited to eventually see it all together….you can do it! =) Good work. It’s beautiful.
Great grandmother’s flower garden blocks! I found some on eBay a few years ago and haven’t done anything with them yet. I just love looking at them for inspiration.
I checked a couple of things on the web and here’s a link for a message board that was discussing removing stains. You may want to try Orvus, which they discuss. It’s safe for quilts.
Good luck!
Thanks for the stain tip, Lisa. I’ll have to look around for some of the Orvis. I’m afraid to use any harsh cleaners on it, and since it sounds like that’s a quilt safe product, I’ll have to try it on my spots.
Those are beautiful– have fun with them!
I can’t wait to see S&L’s quilt once it is all done. I love the colors. How did the backing fabric work that you were hoping would match? Have you tried a mild dilution of oxy clean on any of your fabrics? I usually have good luck with it removing organic stains.