I’ve just got to say, there’s a lot of really good things going on right now. Like for instance, it’s the most lovely day we’ve had here yet this year. I have to admit, I’ve been a little jealous looking at all of the photos of people already experiencing spring, but today, it really feels like we’re not too far off.

Also making me happy is how fast I seem to be coming along on my first crocheting project. I can’t believe how fast it’s moving. In just over a week, I’ve done all of this:

The only downside to the whole thing is that I really had no idea how much yarn I was really going to need. As I keep adding rows, I’m really starting to notice that I’m just not going to have enough to finish the whole thing up. I’m worried that I’m not going to find what I need to finish it. I’m not real worried about things like dye lots–I’d just like to have a close match. Even so, I’m nervous I’m not going to find what I need.

So, spring weather, crocheting progress, and a TiVo that is filled with last night’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony so that I can see all four original R.E.M. members play “Gardening At Night” makes for a great day. The best of days!