Stupid, Stupid Me

I should have no-brained this one. I have a 6 month old puppy and a very excitable year-old cat, so why would I have ever left a partially filled glass of water sitting next to something I’m working on?

Because I’m lazy.

Empty Glass

Who could have ever knocked my glass over? Who runied the bag I was so close to finishing?

Could it be you?

Toes McGee

Or maybe you knocked it off the table?

Toes McGee

Ugh…Either way, I’m off put my dishes in the sink, and remake my bag.

I usually like to carry bags that I make myself, but for this gem of a tote, I’m making an exception.

Assembly Line

Seriously…a breakfast tote. Eggs and bacon on a red and white gingham palette. Why didn’t I think of something like this? I feel as though I let my creativity slide here. Oh Target, why did you have to come up with the breakfast tote first?

Happy weekend, lovely friends!

One of the big perks of working at an elementary school (other than enriching the lives of kids, of course) is that I have an awesome schedule. This week, I’m on spring break.

Assembly Line

Of course, I’m not really on break. Craft show season is fast approaching, and I have my first show of the year in less than a month. I get really excited and twitchy about shows. Current thoughts are as follows:

Will I have enough items?

When the heck am I going to make all of my items?

Holy crap, I have nothing made.

So today, I turned my sewing room into an assembly line.

Assembly Line

I had five tree pouches ready to finish, and three others made with fabric from Superbuzzy. It made me feel like I was accomplishing all this work today, but in reality I’ve been working on the tree pouches for the past two days now.

Assembly Line

I really believe that a system works for me. Put the zippers and lining in first, then sew in the tag. Next bag. Seeing them in a pile makes me believe I’m getting somewhere.

Assembly Line

The last step is always to sew the sides and the bottoms, and at this point, I feel like I’m racing to the finish. My brain shuts off, and I feel like I can do this step with my eyes closed (knowing well that sewing with my eyes closed would be a bad idea…I’m extremely clumsy). Several hours of sewing done for the day, and now I’m eight pouches further away from having a nervous, twitchy breakdown.

Psss…..I have something to show you…

Meet Hudson

Meet Hudson, our new puppy dog! Go on…call me a sap. I’m okay with it.

Meet Hudson

We got Hudson this past Monday, and he’s adjusting to life in the house very well. (We’re adjusting pretty well, as well!) It felt like a big jump to get a new dog already, but as soon as we got him into the car to take him back home, I knew we were doing the right thing. I can’t say that Hudson has taken my sadness for losing Kasey away, but having a new friend to come home to every day makes me so happy.

I am so happy to have Hudson!