Oh nine patch quilt….you seemed to simple to make and yet you’ve given me such a bad headache. What to do with you?

I think the best thing for me to do is to be content where I’m at now. I spent another day today making blocks, and I think I’ve been able to achieve a better balance of color and pattern with some of my original blocks. That’s a very good thing to me. There’s still something though that I can’t put my finger on that bugs me about it, but I can’t really figure it out. That’s why I’m going to call it good. At least, I think that’s the plan right now. We’ll see what happens in the next few days when I move onto sewing the top together.
And, to report–I ended up going to the Modern Quilt Guild meeting last night and was so glad to have gone. I had a really good time and I’m looking forward to going back next month! They’re a really nice group of people and I don’t think my awkwardness scared too many people away. (Although I won’t know that until next month.)