Thank you all so much for your touching comments and thoughts. We sent our sweet puppy to sleep today after a very hard weekend for her. It was the hardest thing to do, but it was right. I miss her so much already.

Kasey Dog

Kasey Dog

It’s been a hard week or so for me. We found out that our sweet puppy, Kasey, has lymphoma. There’s nothing we can do for her, other than to treat her symptoms, and it has broken my heart.

Sweet Nose

Growing up, my family never owned a dog. Up until Ben and I were married, I wasn’t sure I would ever want a dog! But when we took Kasey in to our lives in 2004, I couldn’t imagine my life without my crazy little dog-person. It’s hard to explain just how much personality Kasey has, but her sense of humor, her smile, and her companionship was never ending to me.

Back in January, we started noticing things. She wouldn’t eat and just wasn’t herself. The vet told us she had the flu. Then it was strep throat. When things just weren’t getting better, the x-ray and the blood tests started to tell us the bad news. This, unfortunately, is what happens with so many golden retrievers that are her age.

It’s hard thinking about what it will be like coming home from work and not having my wagging puppy by my side. For now though, we want to make the rest of her life as comfortable and as happy as possible. Even though I am sad for the inevitable, I have to remember how much joy she has brought to my life in the past 3 and a half years.

Her Favorite Spot

Some scenes from my weekend:


Looking Up

So Many


I just can’t explain how much I love balloons. I lived a good chunk of my childhood in Statesville, North Carolina, where they have the most amazing balloon rally. We’d park away from where they’d be launched at and I remember how magical it seemed when all of a sudden, hundreds of balloons would rise up from behind the tree line. Unfortunatly, this balloon festival wasn’t quite as impressive as those, but to me, it was still wonderful.

First today, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who left comments on my last post. I know it’s been a while since I’ve written, but the time away from the blog was good for me, and it was wonderful to hear everyone’s words of advice and well wishes. Thank you all.

Now on to today’s pressing matters.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Regardless of whether you like the holiday or not, I hope you take time to tell someone you love them today. Be it a good friend, a family member, your pet–someone today loves you back unconditionally. I hope that puts cheer into your day, no matter what.

I was thinking red today, so I snapped some photos some of my favorite red things around the house.

Love and Mints

Cookies, ribbon, and fresh breath always go together!

Trash Can

My sewing room’s red trash can is doing it’s job of keeping my room clean today.


Sharpie pens make my heart flutter!!

And just since I’m slowly jumping back on the doing bandwagon, here are my two latest projects:

Button Bag

My new button bag!

Mushroom Tote

A happy feltie mushroom tote!

Love to you all today!

Tree Bag

I’m having a rough time getting motivated to create recently. I haven’t worked on a quilt in weeks, my ideas feel bland and boring, and I’ve had no real inspiration to really work on any new projects. I feel like all of the ideas that I do come up with are essentally copies of what has “inspired” me and very little of what I do think of is really original. I see so much wonderful, creative goings-on elsewhere, and I just don’t feel as though I stand on the same level of the women who’s blogs I daily read.
I was excited about this tree bag at first–I whipped it up very quickly and it sold super fast on Etsy–and I had plans to make others just as quickly, but that quickly fizzled. I need to get through this creative block, and get my clogged up mind back in action!

Just Me

I’m feeling compelled to write today but I’m also feeling like I’m without anything important to share. Instead I’ve decided to join the SPT bloggers with a photo of my own today. I’m always a little hestiant about posting my pictures here, especially ones of myself. There’s so many people who can outshoot me so well, and I worry that what I do post pictures of looks so bad that people will think less of what I do, because of it. I guess I’m not really worried about that today though!
So this is me, standing in my mustard yellow bathroom, pleased to pull my hair back in a ponytail and feel a little relaxed for the evening still to come.

Arrrgggg!  It's Frankie!

Happy Halloween, everyone! The mini light up Frankensteins and I are mere minutes away from helping our neighborhood kids get their very important, yearly sugar fix. I hope you all are doing your part in your town too. Think of the kids (and think of yourself with your leftover candy, too)!

Despite having a very busy week last week, I think I can officially say that I’ve caught up. Last night I finished pieceing the last block of the wedding quilt (YAY! No more two inch sqares to piece!) and tonight I’m hoping to finish putting the last six blocks on the rest of the top. All I’ll need is a bit of a border (I’m thinking it’ll look strange, and will possibly be too small without one) and then I get to quilt! So very, very, very exciting!
Another projects that I started and actually finished this weekend were shrinky dink pins.

Shrinky Dink Pins

Again (like many good ideas these days) the pins were inspired by the ones done at Wee Wonderfuls. So many cool things ideas come from there. All I did was make crappy little drawings on the shrinky dinks (I totally love that stuff now–I’ve never played with it before and now I’m hooked!) and then I stuck a pin through it before I put them in the toaster oven. If nothing else really, the look so cool in a pincushion!
In the world of blogs that are not my own, I did want to mention that everyone should go check out Angry Chicken. Amy Karol is a textile artist has the coolest things on her blog. Today’s post featured an amazing log cabin quilt that her mother made. The quilting on it is so unique–it makes it look very different from any other log cabin quilt that I’ve seen, which in my opinion, is a good thing.
Finally, I have to post a picture of the cake my friend Laura made for our crafty girls group birthday party last week.
Knitting Cake

Here’s Alice and Allison posing with their knitting cake–yummy and crafty!

I started a new scarf out of the pink fuzzy yarn I bought, but I’m still not done with the blue one yet. Oh wait… I’m not done with those, plus the new Wedding quilt, the Apple Core quilt, there’s that antique quilt I’m working on, I’ve got one that I started when I made Wedding Spectacularrrr that’s the same pattern, only in bold colors, I still haven’t finished the one that I’m making for my Granny, and yeah… there’s a Trip Around The World quilt that I’m doing by machine that I started in 2000. Just what I need to be doing–starting new projects, that probably won’t get finished.
Hopefully I’ll have some extra time after the stress of the last three days at Fox are through. Here’s me having some fun at the teleprompter during a commercial break tonight. Let me tell you how glad I’ll be to never, ever, ever run a teleprompter again after Sunday night.

Don't these headphones make my head look awful?

I’ve got to stop starting new projects.