Before my curtain frustrations get the best of me, I thought I’d share a few knitted projects that I’ve recently finshed up. My friend Kristina had been admiring the poncho that I knitted for myself earlier this year and asked me to make her one. It’s a really easy pattern to do, but I was only so-so pleased with the way hers turned out:

The main thing that disappointed me about it was the neck. The last one I did I used size 9 needles for the neck, only because when I started it, it was the closest needle that I had to what the pattern called for (size 13). I had been in a hurry to start, and in the end, I think that was a better move anyway. The new poncho’s collar is floppy and won’t hold shape. I just think it could have been a bit better, had I used different needles.
What I am happy with, however, is this:

I used the Dimond Lace scarf pattern that Laural at Thimble wrote (thank you!!). I made a few minor changes to the pattern, but nothing major. I hadn’t done any work with knitting in a lace pattern before, but I ended up being really impressed with how easy and quickly the scarf came together. I’m giving this one to my mother-in-law for Christmas, so I hope she likes as much as I do.