I’ve really got to stop starting projects. So I went to my wonderful Granny’s house this past week, and got to talk serious quilting. We were talking about the 1930’s reprint fabrics and antique quilts, and she brought out a shoebox full of half done Grandmother’s Fan blocks, that were started by (I believe) her aunt in the 1930’s. They’re great–some of the pieces are actually fabric from shirts and old aprons. So my newest project is to put it together. I’m not sure how big it’ll be when it’s done, but I’m really looking forward to doing it.

1930's Quilt Blocks

I also got big compliments on A&V’s wedding quilt. She liked my stiches. It’s always nice to get good comments from someone that you know does really good work. But as far as getting it done, I’m really losing steam. I’m just really tired of working on it, and I want it to be done–without putting more work into it. I felt this way when I was finishing Ben’s quilt too. But the satisfying feeling that I’ll know I’ll get when the last stich is in is something I look forward to as well.
And lastly…eh. There’s no end in sight yet to my days at Fox. I didn’t manage to get a ticket out of here. I think I want to start quilting full time instead of anything else right now. Then it wouldn’t be a hobby anymore. It’d be work. Eh.

I am so glad that I’m typing here tonight. I was working on the templates last night, and at one point I reloaded the page, only to find that my blog was GONE! Totally freaked me out. Thankfully I married a (cute) computer guy, and we got it all worked out. *Phew!*
So I worked up the courage (and the stress) to start quilting the border around the Wedding Spectacularrrr quilt, and it’s been a nightmare.
Big Problem #1. I had to make sure that the lattice pattern in the border would line up and be even. Being that I barely know how to add, I decided to take the project to my dad, to plot out on his drafting software. That was a problem, since the quilt isn’t perfectly square (or even for that matter). We ended up getting a pretty good idea of the dimentions for the template, and I decided to run with that.
Big Problem #2. After I made the templete, I used the water soluble chalk pencils to trace the template. It was a good three inches off by the time I got to the end of the border. Not good at all.
Big Problem #3. Turns out the chalk pencils aren’t as water soluble as I thought they would be.
**Solution** Ben to the rescue again! So we decided to measure the length, and divide. But each time we’d measure, we’d get a different length. So we pulled it to an even length, and I have a cross line every seven inches now. I’m hoping to do this with the remainder of the quilt now.
Big Problem #4. I think the dimonds in the lattice are too far apart. I want to add more lines to make more, but smaller dimonds. I’m just not sure if I’m going to have the time to do it.
*Final Thought* This quilt, along with about 17 other things going on right now are making me a human stress ball. What I’d give for a vacation to somewhere far, far away, until everything has gone away.
Today’s post brought to you by my really nice husband, Ben.

ARRRGGGHH! Stupid Internet connection! I had this whole post written, and then my connection crapped out on me. Let’s see what I can remember about what I just finished.
It was so hot here today, that I couldn’t even think about working on the Wedding Spectacularrrr quilt today. Actually, I did think about it, but I was worried that I’d pass out if I tried quilting under it. Luckily, it’s supposed to be cooler tomorrow, so maybe I’ll have more luck trying it then.
(Side note: Would it be weird if I actually name A&V’s quilt “Wedding Spectacularrrr?” I don’t know if that sounds strange or not, but I like it. Maybe it could just be “Wedding Spectacular.” I think it really needs the rolled “R” at the end though.)
Favorite quilting site of the day (and possibly even the week–this one’s really cool) is Denyse Schmidt Quilts. I really, really love her quilt designs. They’re so simple, but they’re just what I like. She’s also designed other fabric creations like pillows… purses, and aprons, and they’re really great. Although I know I could never afford any of her quilts, they’re great inspiration for me. Plus, as an added bonus in my book, they’re all hand quilted by a group of Amish women. Not only do you know they’re works of art, but they’ll last forever.
This better post this time.

So, being the procrastinator that I am…
Whoops. So I kept telling myself over and over how much I needed to get A&V’s wedding quilt finished up before it got hot out. Yeah, so much for that. I’m hoping that someone nice, who’s house is also equipped with air conditioning will invite me over for hours at a time to work. Or I could just come to work and do it, since it’s always just about -30 degrees in here. Brrr!
I found today something that I never thought was availible–another quilting blog! Material Girl is not only a blog that seems to be updated more than once a year, but I’ve also found it interesting to read. I’m adding it to my links, either way.
And finally tonight, (I’m such a dork) I’ve decided that I really need to finish learning the basics of operating this website. It’s white, and boring, and none too fun to read. So it’s my goal this week (you know, in between my time spent finishing A&V’s Wedding Spectacularrr quilt, and work, and doing my other quilts, and keeping the house clean and stuff) is to spend a couple of hours in front of the computer with the stylesheet book that Ben brought home for me, and I’m going to learn how not to be boring anymore. Because I’m just not that. Not at all.

Happy June! I, of course, celebrated the beginning of the new month by shopping. I ended up buying the Encylopedia of Classic Quilt Patterns, but it was mainly because it was a dull day in the book asile. Last time I was in the store, it seemed to me there were a lot more books that I really wanted. It just didn’t seem to be that way this week.
But while I was in the store, I happened to find a really good deal on 10 page scrapbooks. I’ve never really been into scrapbooking, and I don’t really want to start, but I’m more or less looking for books to file what I’ve done with my garden, or decorating ideas for the house. I plan on keeping all the tags from the plants I bought this year, and following up on how each did. I was flipping and ripping pages out of one of my old Real Simple magazines, and they had a neat idea to catalogue big projects so that you’re able to reference it later. Either way, the scrapbook, was only 4.99, so I figured it was a good deal. I would have bought two, if there were more nice ones still available. The only ones left after I picked out mine were a really bad print on red and blue books. Mine was much better.
My weekend starts tomorrow, and I’ve got big plans for the next three days. Ben heard over the real weekend, that our neighborhood is holding a yard sale soon, and I want to be prepared. We have sooooo many old clothes and stuff from college that needs to be out of our basement. If it doesn’t sell, then its going to Goodwill. If they won’t take it, it’ll all be trashed. I want my house clutter-free, if for just once in our lives!
Oh yeah, and hopefully we’ll hear good news from anyone about interviews. I’m meeting for with the owner of an insurance agency next Friday, and today she e-mailed me to tell me my resume looks beautiful. I think that’s a good thing!

I am officially finished with the binding on the wedding quilt for A&V. Let me just capture in words, the thrilling excitment of what I went through when I FINALLY finished it:
Ah yes. Life is good.
So now comes the daunting task of figuring out how I’m going to quilt the border. Should be fun stuff. But in the meantime, I’m going to take a trip to my local JoAnn Fabric store to pick out a new book. I got a fun little 40% off coupon in the mail the other day, and I’ve got to use it. The Enclopedia of Classic Quilt Patterns is one that I’ve thought about picking up. It would be nice to have a book of standards in quilts. We’ll see. I’ll probably head out on Tuesday morning to pick something up, and then I’ll post what I get.
In totally other news… KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED! I’m hoping to get a call for a possible new job interview for a position that I reeeeaallly want! I’ll keep updating on what the future may or may not hold.

I’m wallowing in frustration here at work. Instead of typing up a neat, little 20 second vo/sot about the new 20 year master plan at Capitol City Airport, I’m scanning my favorite websites. It’s my retaliation for all of the nonsense I put up with here.
But in my exploration, I’ve found a really neat quilt idea. The crafty-gal behind Going Domestic pulled this together, and I really want to make one now! I was thinking about a red, yellow and white quilt, possibly (it all depends on when I find just the fabric I need) add a yellow, red, and white striped pattern, with the same color. I think the only different thing I would use, would be instead of satin ribbon, I’d use the more woven, ribbed ribbon. I think it might hold up a little better in the long run.
Don’t worry. I finished writing my airport story.

I’m back to my quilting, and as always, I can’t stay focused on just one project. During some downtime while reorganizing the spare bedroom/sewing room, I decided to take an inventory of the projects that I’m currently working on. I’m just about finished with Angie and Vaughn’s Texas Star quilt, I’ve got my parents birthday/wedding anniversary Apple Core quilt about halfway pieced, there’s the new blue, green, and yellow quilt I decided I had to start, then there’s the machine pieced Trip Around the World Quilt I’ve been working on for 4 years now, and the bold color Texas Star quilt that I thought would be fun to piece when I started the wedding quilt for A&V. Let’s see… five quilts? That’s not too bad, especially considering that I’m almost done with the first one.
I actually dreamed last night that it was a week before A&V’s wedding, and I was only in the place that I am right now, and I freaked out. I’d really like to have the binding done by the end of the week, so I can finish the rest of the quilting. I really am paranoid it’s not going to be finished though. Even with the rest of my projects, it’s still my first concern.
Moving along, I’ve been checking out The Quilters Cache a lot lately. They have an huge amount of free quilt block patterns that you can print off and use. I spent about an hour going through the blocks fast, and printing off some of my favorites, so that I can start even more quilts that I don’t need to be doing. Beware though, it’s so cutsie and country, that it makes me a little sick. Despite its appearance, it is a pretty good place to hunt for things to do.

After a brief hiatus from this little blog, I’m back with more quilting uselessness. LiveJournal was having an attitude problem, and any time I tried to post anything, it would just let the last two or three lines of my entry show up. I refuse to become one of those blog people who think having a blog is really cool, but after about three weeks get bored, and never write again. That’s just no fun. Hopefully we’ll have more fun and excitment here!
But on the up side of all things fun and deeelightful: I’m a few steps closer to finishing my Wedding Star quilt. The main quilting is done, and the binding is about half way finished. After that I’ll finish it by quilting the border, and that will be eveything. I am pleased that it only took about a month or so to quilt the stars and diamonds in it. That’ll mean that I’ll only be working on this quilt for roughly another six months or so. I feel like I’m trying to fly through it since I’m getting eager to do more work on my Apple Core quilt. Yeah, I think I promised that one to my parents only oh… two years ago.
One other thing. I happened to stumble across some high-tech quilting stuff this week. I was flipping through this month’s issue of Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine and I found an ad for quilting information at Hewlett-Packard. It turns out that HP super into the fabric printing, and some of it seemed really interesting. I think it would be a really great way to print labels for a quilt, that wasn’t so super detailed. There’s no way I’d ever use it for something I entirely hand pieced and quilted, but it would be especially good for a kid’s quilt.
And one more thing, besides the last one more thing. Sort-of related to quilting; I think I found my perfect quilt rack. We got money from my Granny to buy a quilt rack when we got married last October, and so far, we’ve still not bought one. But today, I found a perfect one at Crate and Barrel. It’s perfect. All of the ones I had seen so far were really country, woody ones. And as many people know, I have a problem with woodiness. It’s perfect, and it must be mine! Get out the AmEx, I’m shopping tonight!